Dynamics 365 provides organizations with continuous, touchless service updates that constantly offer new features and functionality. This way, Microso...
D365 reality: the Price You Pay for a Bug
We have already covered some of the insights on how to f*ck up the project during Microsoft Application Update for you D365 for Finance and Supply Cha...
Implementation considerations: get a brainy consultant!
When a company realizes that QuickBooks or Excel is not working anymore, it comes up with a need to implement new features to boost its operations to ...
Dual Write: Implementation Considerations
MS365 Dual Write Instance Strategy Dual Write implementation is based on instance strategy, which supports the only one-to-one link between F&O ap...
D365 Dual-Write Overview: What to Expect
When it comes down to monitoring sales operations through the entire organization, D365 customers do so with the power of Common Data Service (also kn...
Discover D365 mobile workspaces to manipulate your data on the move.
With D365 going cloud and on-premises, the question has arisen whether Dynamics 365 is compatible and seamless with mobile application development. S...
Business intelligence and Dynamics 365
To make your business run better and eliminate errors you must have all of your processes in control. D365’s Business Intelligence (or BI for sh...
Dynamics 365 Overview: Finance, Supply Chain Management, and Sales.
Nowadays most business is done through or with the help of a computer, smartphone or tablet. It is essential to choose the right program, that will ac...
SDLC Models for Microsoft Dynamics development. Which one should you pick?
Planning is obviously a very significant part of project creation. Good organization can already determine future success of a project if development ...
SDLC for Microsoft Dynamics integration in a nutshell
You can never put your company’s ERP Development & Release Management Process under too much scrutiny. Any defects down the road will result...